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UNM School of Engineering Spring 2012 Convocation
May 23, 2012
Approximately 2000 family, friends, and graduates attended the School of Engineering 2012 Convocation, the School's own ceremony specifically to honor graduates. The convocation program (PDF) lists names of graduating students and describes the ceremony, which opened with a formal processional led by the School's Deans, Department Chairs, visiting dignitaries, faculty, and graduating students.
Convocation Speakers
Short remarks were given by the Dean and others, followed by keynote speaker Samantha Lapin and student speakers Michael Darling and Ross White.
Samantha Lapin
President and CEO of POD, Inc., an IT company established to provide public and private organizations systems integration and IT solutions, Ms. Lapin received her Masters in Nuclear Engineering at UNM in 1988. For her many contributions to the IT industry and the New Mexico community, she has received numerous recognitions including the 2007 Alumni of the Year for the Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department.
Michael Christopher Darling
Michael’s team took second place in the 2012 UNM Technology Business Plan Competition for designing and planning a company centered on an Android application for people with speech disabilities. He will graduate with a B.S. in Computer Engineering and plans to attend graduate school and develop his own company.
Ross Liam White
An Albuquerque local and avid bicycling enthusiast, Ross was the president of Engineers Without Borders, a member of the Formula Society of Automotive Engineers team, and active in AIAA, SWE, and Pi Tau Sigma. He will receive his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and plans to spend two months in Ecuador after graduation for a language program and mountain biking.
George E. Breece Award
Each year, the George E. Breece Award honors students who have grade point averages higher than 4.0, reflecting a majority of A+ grades throughout their undergraduate courses.
Drew Engle Landis
The Spring 2012 Convocation Breece Award winner is Drew Landis. Aside from his achievements academically, Drew is active in many UNM student organizations including Pi Tau Sigma, UNM Mountaineering Club, a participant in Engineers Without Borders, and works as an intern at Sandia National Labs. He will receive his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and after graduation plans to take time off to enjoy hiking and travelling.
Graduate Recognition
After the speakers addressed the audience, each graduating student was individually recognized on stage. Bachelors candidates were called by name and greeted by the Dean and their departmental faculty and staff as they exited the stage. Masters and doctoral students were greeted by the Dean and his/her Department Chair or Program Director, and then hooded by his/her major professor or designee.
The ceremony was a joyful celebration of the hard work and persistence of the graduates, the dedication of the faculty, and the support and patience of the graduates' families.
Congratulations, Spring 2012 Graduates!