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Student elected as leader in IEEE Photonics Society
August 28, 2014
Md. Mottaleb Hossain, a research assistant at the University of New Mexico’s Center for High Technology Materials, has been appointed as the 2014-15 associate vice president of student membership by IEEE Photonics Society.
He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Optical Science and Engineering. He works with Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Majeed M. Hayat on modeling, design, fabrication, and characterization of CMOS-compatible avalanche photodiodes and integrated plasmonic detectors to be used in smart-lighting applications. His research work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under the Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center.
Hossain was also the recipient of 2013 SPIE student travel grant to present his paper at SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference. While being active in his research, Hossain has been a mentor to a number of undergraduate and high school students working on research projects at CHTM. Over the years, he has donated his time to many outreach activities at CHTM and Optical Science and Engineering.
Hossain is the president of the Optical Society of America's UNM student chapter for 2014-2015. He also served as the vice president for 2013-2014. He is an active graduate student member of many professional and learned societies including SPIE, OSA, IEEE, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE EDS, and Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
He received his bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology in Bangladesh in 2009.