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UNM part of DOE/NNSA Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Center of Excellence program
April 18, 2018 - By Kim Delker
The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) has named Cornell University as a Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Center of Excellence program funding recipient for its work in High Energy Density Physics. The Cornell team includes the University of Michigan, UC San Diego, Princeton University, Imperial College (London, UK), Weizmann Institute (Israel), the Lebedev Institute (Moscow, Russia), and The University of New Mexico.
The UNM team comprises Professors Edl Schamiloglu and Mark Gilmore from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
“These grants insure a pipeline of the next generation of scientists in areas of relevance to the stockpile stewardship mission,” said Kathleen Alexander, assistant deputy administrator for research, development, test and evaluation in NNSA’s Office of Defense Programs.
Cornell’s Multi-University Center of Excellence for Pulsed-Power-Driven High Energy Density Science, led by David Hammer and Bruce Kusse, will receive a $15M grant to study high energy density plasmas produced by pulsed-power generators. This research will investigate the properties of dense, high- temperature plasmas in the presence of strong magnetic fields.
UNM is part of this team as an initiative bring a new partner into the NNSA Center program. Schamiloglu says “this is a great opportunity for UNM to increase its visibility and continue making an impact in an area of great importance to New Mexico.”