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ECE student selected as IEEE outstanding graduate student
June 18, 2020 - by Kim Delker
Georgios Fragkos, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of New Mexico, has been awarded the Albuquerque Section IEEE 2020 Outstanding Graduate Engineering Student award for outstanding academic performance in the field of computing and communications.
Georgios Fragkos
Fragkos performs research in the PROTON Lab with his advisor Prof. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou. The PROTON Lab (which stands for Performance and Resource Optimization in Networks Lab) focuses on multidisciplinary research relating to national security and societal needs, such as modeling, design, optimization and performance of large-scale interconnected systems like public safety networks, as well as artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, game theory, and human behavior modeling.
Fragkos has authored several papers on topics such as multi-access edge computing, distributed decision making, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. In spring 2020 was selected as the outstanding graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research is supported by Professor Tsiropoulou’s funded project, “NSF CRII: NeTS: Real-life modeling for EFficient RESource management in Heterogeneous multi-user systems – REFRESH” (#1849739).
While at UNM, he has been involved in IEEE and IEEE HKN and is a member of the Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association. In August, he will begin an internship at Sandia National Laboratories in the renewable and distributed systems integration department focusing on PV cybersecurity standards research and development.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the in-person award ceremony for 2020 has been canceled. Fragkos will be presented with his award sometime this summer and is invited to attend the awards ceremony in May 2021, where he will be recognized as a 2020 awardee.