Facilities and Labs
UNM School of Engineering Instrument Cost Centers Available for Outside Users
Center for Microengineered Materials (CMEM)
CMEM owns or has access to highly specialized research facilities in addition to the usual facilities and equipment found in a major scientific and engineering university. Center laboratories provide state-of-the-art facilities for the generation and characterization of powders, mesoporous materials, nanomaterials, thin films and coatings.
Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM)
- Housed in the main complex and in three satellite buildings are several laboratories devoted to the research of nanotechnology and advanced optics.
- The extensive modern cleanroom in the main building allows for the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices from epitaxial structures grown at CHTM.
- Also within the main building are nearly two dozen laboratories that house high-power lasers, scanning electron microscopes, devices for molecular beam epitaxy, and advanced workstations for numerical simulations of atomic structures and beam propagation within laser cavities.
- Research at the neighboring Crystal Growth Facility focuses on metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) epitaxial growth for advanced semiconductor device structures.
- Another building adjacent to CHTM houses the Mid-infrared Imaging Characterization and Application (MICA) laboratory, where testing of infrared focal plane arrays that are grown and fabricated at CHTM is performed.
- Finally, a newly constructed draw tower and cleanroom located nearby in UNM’s Science Technology Park enables the local fabrication of long optical fibers for research.
If you are interested in information on using CHTM's facilities, please contact: http://www.chtm.unm.edu/facilities/use_info.html
Nanosynthesis Facility
This facility is offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is dedicated to the synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured materials and devices for their characterization.
Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop
The machine shop specializes in machining and design for prototype development. It features top-of-the-line manual machining and CNC equipment, as well as the facilities and trained staff for welding, 3D printing, and other operations. The machine shops services are available to clients at a very affordable cost. Contact Peter Vorobieff, (505) 277-8347
Center for Emerging Energy Technologies (CEET)
The XPS instrument is located at the Advanced Materials Laboratory (AML) as a beginning of the build-up of CEET presence at the UNM Science and Technology Park. The XPS is an AXIS-Ultra DLD, Kratos Analytical with a monochromated Al source, with high sensitivity, high spectral resolution, mapping and imaging capability. Contact (505) 277-0750. -
Confocal-Raman/AFM WITec microscope
This system combines the techniques of confocal microscopy, raman spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Position accuracy is 4 nm in x and y and 1 nm in z. The z stage is motorized for focusing with a 10 nm stop size. Contact (505) 277-0750.
Manufacturing Training and Technology Center (MTTC) Cleanroom
The 6,200-square-foot cleanroom is housed within the 57,000-square-foot Manufacturing Training and Technology Center (MTTC) supports UNM classroom research, basic university research, and prototype development by small companies. The photolithography bay is Class-100. Features include a bay/chase space, NSF MRI-provided DRIE and Parylene coater tools, a six-stack atmospheric and LPCVD furnace, and an RF-sputtering machine. It has chilled water, process chilled water (PCW), air handling units, DI/RO water, nitrogen, two scrubbers, acid waste neutralization and a backup generator as equipment support infrastructure. See the website for information on how to reserve equipment.
Environmental Engineering Analytical Support
This laboratory is offered for water and environmental research through the Department of Civil Engineering and is located in the basement of the Centennial Engineering Center.
Civil Engineering Structures Lab
Contact Mahmoud Taha, (505) 277-1258