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School of Engineering welcomes 11 new faculty for 2018-19
September 17, 2018 - By Kim Delker
The School of Engineering welcomed several new faculty in 2018-19:
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering:
Kenneth R. Cooper, lecturer, and Nicholas Ferenchak, assistant professor. Cooper earned his master’s in construction management from Western Carolina University. Ferenchak specializes in sustainable and resilient transportation systems via bicycle and pedestrian safety.
Computer Science:
Marina Kogan, assistant professor; Soraya Abad-Mota, lecturer; Jedidiah McClurg, assistant professor. Kogan specializes in crisis informatics, social computing, and network science; Abad-Mota specializes in databases; and McClurg specializes in programming languages and verification.
Electrical and Computer Engineering:
Ali Bidram, assistant professor; Xiang Sun, assistant professor; Jose Luis Palacios, lecturer. Bidram focuses on power systems; Sun specializes in Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing; and Palacios specializes in Markov chains and mathematical chemistry.
Mechanical Engineering:
Sakineh Chabi, assistant professor; Matthaias Pleil, lecturer. Chabi’s research is on the electrochemical study of 3D graphene composites; and Pleil specializes in applied physics.
Nuclear Engineering:
Christopher Perfetti, assistant professor. He specializes in Monte Carlo methods development, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.