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Busch receives American Nuclear Society Standards Service Award
December 6, 2018 - By Kim Delker
Robert Busch, a principal lecturer emeritus of nuclear engineering at The University of New Mexico, was recently awarded with the 2018 Standards Service Award from the American Nuclear Society (ANS).
The award was presented at the ANS Winter Meeting in Orlando, Fla., in November.
The Standards Service Award recognizes outstanding achievement by individuals in the generation and use of ANS standards in the field of nuclear science and engineering.
Busch joined ANS in 1987 and became involved in the ANS standards program shortly after. He first joined the ANS-8.20 Working Group (Nuclear Criticality Safety Training), which led to his support and often leadership of several other ANS standards. In 1993, he became a member of Nuclear Criticality Safety Consensus Committee (NCSCC). Busch served two terms as NCSCC chair (2011-2017) and remains an active member today.
Busch has held many positions at UNM since 1976 (from 1978 to 1985 he worked as a consultant in energy engineering and software design). He is currently in charge of the university’s nuclear engineering laboratory and the chief reactor supervisor for their teaching reactor. In addition to teaching, he is a lecturer and undergraduate advisor.
Busch has taught a series of short courses for the understanding of nuclear criticality safety. He continues to teach young professionals about nuclear criticality safety with an emphasis on the importance of voluntary consensus standards.
In addition to Busch’s support of ANS standards, he is active in several ANS governance activities. Busch’s commitment and his service was recognized by his peers in the ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division by awarding him their Distinguished Service Award in 2001. He is also a member of the ANS Education, Training & Workforce Development Division. As a member of the ANS Professional Engineering (PE) examination committee, Busch is one of the main developers of a nuclear PE exam online module program currently in development. Busch is also co-authoring a new book titled Nuclear Criticality Safety: Evaluations, Calculations, and Experiences.