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UNM I-Corps Day on Nov. 10 focuses on how inventors can fund innovations
October 26, 2022 - by Kim Delker
The University of New Mexico is hosting I-Corps Day to provide information about how to obtain funding for discoveries and inventions or become involved in technology entrepreneurship.
I-Corps Day will be Nov. 10 at the Student Union Building, Santa Ana A&B. Those interested can register at
Robert Delcampo, event organizer and executive director of UNM’s Innovation Academy, said the event is recommended for faculty, inventors, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, aspiring nontechnical entrepreneurs or anyone interested in developing products from technology.
The program will include lunch at 11:30 a.m., an opening panel at noon, breakout sessions at 1 p.m. and a fireside chat at 2 p.m. National experts and proposal evaluators will present best practices and opportunities to find funding for discoveries that might be commercialized, including NSF I-Corps, SBIR and STTR, said Delcampo, who is also a professor in the Anderson School of Management.
UNM is a member of one of the five NSF I-Corps Hubs that focus on real-world entrepreneurial training to academic researchers across all fields of science and engineering, resulting in economic development and job creation. Each I-Corps Hub is funded at $3 million a year for five years and is made up of a regional alliance of at least eight universities.
UNM is part of the West region I-Corps Hub, led by the University of Southern California, which also includes California Institute of Technology; Colorado School of Mines; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Riverside; University of Colorado Boulder; and The University of Utah.
UNM’s I-Corps team is led by Delcampo and Christos Christodoulou, Jim and Ellen King Dean of Engineering and Computing.